11 3937.6490 | contato@rhtalento.com.br

Safety at Work

Many companies invest on technology, training, procedures, tools, equipments and several preventive measures to minimize accidents at work. These efforts, however, haven't been reflecting accordingly on the accidents statistics.

A lot of accidents at work are caused by human factors. Therefore TALENTO has created a specific area for safety at work, based on aspects of human behavior and psychology applied on prevention of the integrity, health and employees' quality of life on the promotion of safety in the organizations.

TALENTO acts on:

Psychological assessment for professionals who work in risk-taking environments;

Psychosocial assessment;

Identification of Climate and Culture related to Safety;

Capacity mapping of health and safety at work;

Behavior trainings focusing safety;

Technical training related to and imposed by legislation;

BBS (Behavior Based Safety

Av. Paulista , 2073 - Conj. 1702 - Ed. Horsa II Conjunto Nacional CEP 01311- 300

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