11 3937.6490 | contato@rhtalento.com.br


You don't define or explain it; you attest and detect it.

Our brand is known for building competitive differentials regarding to the human capital.

TALENTO has been created by former executives from multinational companies. We have high knowledge in HR and over 12 years of experience in developing people, supported by a very well trained team; our proposal is to add value through learning, innovation and sustainable solutions for the businesses, thus preparing the organizations to reach the best results in nowadays growing competitive markets.

We carry out diagnosis on specific needs; we create a commitment with the strategic policies aligned with the enterprises' values; we develop every project in partnership with our clients; we offer knowledge, tools, techniques and experience, this way innovating with tailored and creative solutions.

TALENTO works as a research and development laboratory for human capital. We impute value to human beings based on their experience, education, background and know-how. We are also tackled to the corporative andragogy, which is the core of the best practices that guide adults on learning in business environments, by using specific methodologies for every particular company.

We focus in 4 different business cores with the objective of assisting companies to get a success day-by-day performance and support future demands, through specific programs and projects.

Av. Paulista , 2073 - Conj. 1702 - Ed. Horsa II Conjunto Nacional CEP 01311- 300

  copyright © 2024 Talento. Todos os direitos reservados.

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