11 3937.6490 | contato@rhtalento.com.br

Business Games

The constant changes in businesses, the arrival of the generation Y to the corporate world and the necessity of a higher agility in decision taking have pushed the companies to foster both their way of recruiting and training people.

Therefore, in the current scenario, recruiters have been investing in more modern methodologies in order to be more objective in the search for new talents. The same way, training and developing professionals are dedicating themselves to rethink the objective: assertivity

In this context TALENTO uses innovation, creativity and technology to create business games that have a active experiencing methodology.

Based on andragogy, the science of engaging adults into learning, and due to the permissive environment, the experiences are spontaneous, allowing certain behaviors to be analyzed during the game. The conclusions are the base for a feedback work about organizational competencies.

TALENTO offers as business games:

• Board games

• e-learning

Av. Paulista , 2073 - Conj. 1702 - Ed. Horsa II Conjunto Nacional CEP 01311- 300

  copyright © 2024 Talento. Todos os direitos reservados.

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